Sunday, February 8, 2009

Journal # 6

9th February 2009

Warm Weather

If you are asking why I didn't post anything about the Oreintation Camp, I figured that many of my classmates are writing about it, so I didn't want to post my version of the Orientation Camp.

Last week was a week of class tests. To be honest, I did not study for Geography and Chinese. I just crammed for the tests. Surprisingly, I think I scored well in the tests for there are other ways of scoring well! However, I still feel uneasy. I will study for tests from now onwards!

The first test was the English test. We had to write a composition about something. Four questions was provided. I chose the question : "Write about something that changed your life." I wrote about myself being a girl that was handicapped.

The next test was the English Literature test. I studied for that one, so it was gas except for the third question.

The third one was Chinese, and I have problems with the 添空 part only, I think I scored 47 marks.

The fourth, fifth and sixth one is History, Geography and Home Economics. I think I aced History and did quite well in Geography and Home Economics. So, on the average, I think I did well. Straight Os I hope! (O = Outstanding!)


Friday, January 2, 2009

Journal # 5

2nd January 2009


This is the second day of the brand new year, 2009. I went to my new school, Nan Hua High School, and I like it (sort of). I made some new friends as well. There was Audrey, Yvonne, and Charmaine. They were really nice and I happened to know them because they were sitting around me. The school was pretty huge and the classrooms are air conditioned.

I have read my last book and it was a little weird. Harry Potter had a really good luck to keep surviving and kill Voldermort. He then had three sons, one named after Snape and one other Dumbledore. He is so loyal to his allies, and that's maybe why I like him so much.
